I (David) have family, four-generations removed, that live near the city of Pontivy, in the heart of Brittany. We have kept in touch with these relatives over the years and we were excited to visit them for the first time.
After a full day of riding from Dinan, we arrived at the home of Annie and Guy, parents or Sophie, Helene, and Claire, who are our age (the older two had visited us in Edmonton about ten years ago). We had a very warm welcome from Annie and her parent's (Guy was at a work function and arrived later) and also from Helene, who drove up for the weekend from a town called Angers. It was really wonderful to see Helene after so many years and to meet up with all of the other family members.
The next morning, Helene took us for a whirl-wind tour of South Britanny. We started off at a very beautiful beach with crystalline water.

After swimming for a while and having a picnic lunch, we moved on to an interesting sand-dune region (no pictures) and then to neat a old town.

Next, we went to Vannes, a major city in Britanny with well preserved historic areas. One of the highlights were the beautiful gardens planted just outside the walls of the old city.

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