Sienna, Italy

From the comfort of our Tuscan villa, we set off onto roads on a cloudy and misty morning. We weren't sure of our eventual destination, because we didn't know how the weather or the roads would be. Our problems turned out to be the opposite of the preceding few days - the hills were manageable, but the weather was getting progressively grayer and rainier. We decided to stop at a campsite about 10 km outside of the city of Sienna, a city fairly popular with tourists and famous for the annual horse races that happen in the middle of the town square. This campsite was completely closed for unknown reasons, and with no other nearby campgrounds, we were forced to head into Sienna to look for a place to stay.

We quickly realized that we had been spoiled rotten the previous night, as the most basic rooms in Sienna cost 70-80 Euro (for a very small room in a run-down, one-star hotel with shared bathroom). We eventually settled on a 70 Euro room and set out to explore Sienna.

The next morning, with our budget showing the strain of Tuscan prices, our legs feeling the strain of the Tuscan hills, and Jodie beginning to show the beginnings of bed-bug bites from our one-star hotel, we decided to hop on a train and head for Switzerland. Heading to Switzerland to escape high-prices and hills is roughly the same as saying, "These Edmonton winters are really getting me down... lets spend January in Winnipeg this year!" but what can you expect from a lawyer and a doctor/scientist? We're just not trained to think logically.
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